Chase Reality Metaverse

Metaverse Update

Very pleased to share that the web UI for the Metaverse Chase Reality has been fully rebuilt, users may being signing up and logging back into the brand new interface where they will be presented with new features such as the Social Pulse which is our Social media platform.

Also Better Messages is back up and available for users to send messages once again, remember that the Metaverse Messages are purged monthly as we do not keep such private information, if we don’t have it, governments don’t have it, hackers don’t get it and no one can sell it! 🙂

Whats next

Well for the remainder of the week the team will focus on the rebuild of the metaverse 360 VR experiences, Locations and continue to pump out metaPedia Blogs and general information which is all searchable.

The future

– 3D Metaverse, beyond the 360.

3D without game engine.

So once we address the above due to updating to entirely new software and hosting server, the teams aims to start creating and sharing full 3D environments, items and experiences.

– MetaFlix

As well as this each week new Public domain content will be added to MetaFlix, our free streaming service.

Currently Popeye season one from 1933 has been added and users may soon be able to directly download content as well.

– Seed funding, partnerships and more

As the subtitle says, we are open to the possibility to partnerships, seed-funding, agreed shared ownership for X price and incorporation into another business or company.

Why, well over the past roughly 3 years now, the Metaverse Chase Reality has been growing organically and peaked to over 40 thousand active users before a coder damaged the main platforms UI forcing a total rebuild, upgrade and loss of time, users and money due a local company the founder was assisting and thought the in-house coder could help, well instead of helping he accidentally deleted the UI and the founder left the company to spend the best part of the past 3+ months rebuilding and upgrading everything. A positive take away is that the UI, design and funtions are all vastly better however, we would like to not only grow back up to 40+ thousand users but reach a hundredthousand, nay a million users.

In order to do this in a significantly reduced timeframe and workload to the core team and founder, we realistically need support to do so.

Investment means incorporating, hiring a team of locals to Singapore or nomads.

It means growing awareness and function of the platform.

We need leaders, leaders in market industries, in social, and most of all in business as the core team are all great people but with backgrounds in security and risk mitigation.

Ultimately it means, setting the future standard of the internet.

So we are exciting for the future and we hope you are as well 😀

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