The Importance of Situational Awareness for Close Protection Operatives: Tips and Techniques for Putting it into Practice in Everyday Life

Introduction. Close Protection Operatives (CPOs) work in a high-stress environment where situational awareness is critical to their safety and the safety of the clients they protect. Situational awareness is a state of mind where you are constantly aware of your surroundings and the potential risks and threats in your environment. In this blog, we will […]

The Rise of Robotics in the Security Industry: Enhancing Situational Awareness with UAVs, Drones, and Robodogs

The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as drones, and other robotics such as robodogs, has become increasingly popular in the security industry. These technologies provide enhanced situational awareness and enable security professionals to monitor and respond to potential threats more effectively. UAVs are commonly used in security applications for surveillance and reconnaissance. […]

The Rise of Conflict in the Middle East and the War on Terror: A contractors opportunity.

Introduction The Middle East has been a region of conflict and political instability for many years. The region has experienced numerous wars, invasions, and uprisings, many of which have been fuelled by outside interference and internal power struggles. This blog provides a historical overview of the rise of conflict in the Middle East and the […]

Mastering the Art of Bidding for Contracts in the Security Industry: A Comprehensive Guide.

Introduction Bidding for contracts in the security industry can be a challenging task, but it is an essential part of growing your business. Winning contracts can lead to increased revenue, reputation, and growth opportunities. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various aspects of bidding for contracts in the security industry, including useful websites […]

Embracing the Future: Singapore’s Pioneering Robotics Revolution in Security and Beyond

In the bustling city-state of Singapore, the world of robotics is advancing rapidly, ushering in a new era of innovation and creativity. From enhancing security measures to improving communication systems, Singapore is demonstrating its commitment to progress and safety. Leading the charge in this field is TTIT Security, a trailblazing company at the forefront of […]

“EDC – Personalization of the health care system.”

Introduction Electronic Data Capture (EDC) and Personalized Medicine (PM) are two of the most exciting and rapidly evolving fields in healthcare today. EDC involves the collection, management, and analysis of clinical trial data using electronic systems, while PM refers to the customization of medical treatments based on a patient’s individual characteristics. Together, EDC and PM […]

How EDC and Personal Defence can Help CIA Agents and Security Contractors in Non-Permissive Locations Using the Grey-Man Theory

Introduction CIA agents and security contractors often find themselves working in non-permissive locations where the threat of violence is high. In these situations, it is essential for them to have the right tools and strategies to protect themselves and complete their missions successfully. Electronic Data Capture (EDC) and personal defence are two areas that can […]