Everyday Carry for the Frequent Traveller

The Red Blog Everyday carry for the frequent traveler As we have covered before https://chasereality.co/upgrade-your-carry-options Having a good everyday carry is paramount to helping fix the issues that life throws at you. That being said some of the items we would normally have with us could be classified as illegal in other countries or restricted […]

How to fight like your grandfather

It goes without saying that our grandparents were resilient and strong characters.In this blog we discuss some of the weapons and dirty tricks used by true gentleman looking for ways to defend against pickpockets and street gangs of the time. And from this we can learn how they can quickly be adapted for the modern […]

Gone in 60 seconds

Motor vehicle theft is the criminal act of stealing or attempting to steal a motor vehicle. Nationwide in the United States alone in 2020, there were 810,400 vehicles reported stolen, up from 724,872 in 2019. Property losses due to motor vehicle theft in 2020 were estimated at $7.4 billion and the global statistics are rising. […]

The Real Cost of the MetaVerse

The Red Blog, Open Wallets, Worthless Virtual Land and so much more! The shift of trust with our personal data has taken a dark twist recently, with tech companies and big pharmaceutical under the spotlight. From virtual gang rape on the Facebook Meta VR platform, where multiple avatars attacked Nina Jane Patel, to the already […]

Could your Alexa kill you?

Red Blog Cyber With the rise of A.I technology and the Internet of things or IOT everything becomes linked to the Internet and therefore a risk from hackers. From automated Self driving cars being taken over and crashing into Walls. To home security systems being hacked, Even your own fridge linked to your bank account. […]