Gone in 60 seconds

Motor vehicle theft is the criminal act of stealing or attempting to steal a motor vehicle. Nationwide in the United States alone in 2020, there were 810,400 vehicles reported stolen, up from 724,872 in 2019. Property losses due to motor vehicle theft in 2020 were estimated at $7.4 billion and the global statistics are rising. […]

What is blockchain security?

Red Blog Cyber, What is blockchain security? Blockchain security is a comprehensive risk management system for a blockchain network, using cybersecurity frameworks, assurance services and best practices to reduce risks against attacks and fraud. Quote taken from the IBM website on cyber security and blockchain. Red Team Physical and Forced Entry Consultants have been working […]

What is The MetaVerse?

– What is the MetaVerse – A simple guide to the metaverse. In short, the MetaVerse is the next layer of the Internet! If we break it down even more the MetaVerse is really just a concept, of a layer built on top of the current internet in mixed reality VR. Everything is the same, […]

Travel and Hotel Security Advice

Here are 20 vital tips for staying safe in hotels, motels and hostels across the world. 1. Do your research plan ahead. What kind of crime is common in the area? Is there a terrorist threat? Are tourists and women frequent targets? Knowledge is power, Know the full extent of your situation before diving in, […]