Why We All Should Build on The IPFS/ Inter Planetary File System or Gun.js: A Dive into the Future of the Internet That is The Metaverse and the Quest for a More Secure and Decentralized Internet

As the internet continues to evolve and expand, it’s become increasingly clear that traditional centralized systems are not equipped to handle the growing demands and challenges of the digital age. From data breaches and censorship to central points of failure and control, the limitations of the current internet infrastructure have become more apparent than ever. […]

Singapore Shophouses: A Storied History and Cultural Importance

Singapore’s shophouses are more than just quaint and charming architectural fixtures on the city’s streets. These buildings have a rich and fascinating history that tells the story of Singapore’s development and cultural diversity. Shophouses were first introduced in Singapore in the early 19th century as a response to the growing population and need for commercial […]

Gone in 60 seconds

Motor vehicle theft is the criminal act of stealing or attempting to steal a motor vehicle. Nationwide in the United States alone in 2020, there were 810,400 vehicles reported stolen, up from 724,872 in 2019. Property losses due to motor vehicle theft in 2020 were estimated at $7.4 billion and the global statistics are rising. […]

The Real Cost of the MetaVerse

The Red Blog, Open Wallets, Worthless Virtual Land and so much more! The shift of trust with our personal data has taken a dark twist recently, with tech companies and big pharmaceutical under the spotlight. From virtual gang rape on the Facebook Meta VR platform, where multiple avatars attacked Nina Jane Patel, to the already […]

What is The MetaVerse?

– What is the MetaVerse – A simple guide to the metaverse. In short, the MetaVerse is the next layer of the Internet! If we break it down even more the MetaVerse is really just a concept, of a layer built on top of the current internet in mixed reality VR. Everything is the same, […]